Call Faker Remote is an app that allows you to send a "fake" call to a friend who has Call Faker or Call Faker Remote installed on their phone. All you need to is:
1. Pick the friend (who has Call Faker or Call Faker Remote installed on their phone) from the "Contact to send fake call to" option
2. Enter the caller name that you want to show up on your friend's phone
3. Enter the phone number that you want to show up on your friend's phone
Once you do that, go back to the main screen and hit "Send Remote Fake Call!" What this will do is send a special SMS to that friend who has the app on their phone, and seconds later, the call screen will show with the name and number you entered!
Where could you use it? Say you're at the movies or at a bar and some creepy person comes up to your friend. Your friend has Call Faker or Call Faker Remote, so you send them a remote "fake" call, and their phone appears to ring - getting them out of an awkward situation with the creepy person!